Thin Film Coating Facility (TFCF)Dr. Mukesh Kumar Principal Scientist Tel: (+91)-172-2672-487 e-mail: mukeshk[at]csio[dot]res[dot]in | 
Activities:TFCF in CSIR-CSIO is equipped with advanced facilities for design, fabrication and chacterization of thin film coatings for different applications. The Laboratory has established facilities for depositing films of Metals, Metal and Semiconductor Oxides and alloys by thermal evaporation, RF sputtering and Ion assisted e-beam evaporation. The facilities allow the preparation of films under controlled conditions and the study of structural, thermal, electrical, and optical properties by using various spectrophotometric characterization techniques. | Expertise:
The group comprises of Scientists and Technical Staff having expertise in design of complex optical coatings and multilayer structures, fabrication of multilayers and optical chacterization of thin films.
| FacilitiesFacilities Available Major coating facilities available in this group are:- Ion Assisted Dual E-beam Gun Coating System (for oxides)
- Thermal Evaporation System