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CSIR-CSIO     G20 India 2023

Research>> Bio-Medical Insrumentation (BMI) >>

BioMedical Applications (BMA)

Chief Scientist 
Tel:(+91)-172-2672 278
Email: neel5278[at]csio[dot]res[dot]in



Biomedical Applications Group is actively engaged in the development of medical technologies. It is one of the important areas of R&D in CSIO and the focus areas are Diagnostics & therapeutic devices, Rehabilitation & Assistive technologies for elderly & differently abled population, Imaging based medical devices and Advanced manufacturing based Orthopaedic & Dental Implants.

Few of the R&D activities where the group is currently working on are:
Plasmonic Photothermal based sterilization device for surgical Instruments; Dialysis machine for CKD patients ; Robotic gait trainer system for rehabilitation of spinal cord injury patients (ROBOG); Bio-mechatronic orthotic device for rehabilitation of motor disorders (BioMOD); Virtual Intelligence in Home Based Rehabilitation of Persons with Motor Disability; Development of Gait Training Tools and mobility aids for Parkinson’s Patients; Dynamic Postural Stability Assessment System; Vascular sclerotherapy guidance and assistance tools for clinical diagnostics and treatment of venous malformations (Vascu-Guide); Thermal imaging based non-invasive technique for diagnosis of musculoskeletal disorders (MSD); ICT based Tools for Assessment and Improvement of Efficacy of Upper Limb Robotic Rehabilitation using Thermographic Diagnostic Method (Thermo-Rehab-Rob); Development of Dristiscope – An operating microscope; Additive manufactured pelvis revision surgery implants; Machine for performing double volume exchange transfusion through umbilical routes of neonates; Multi-functional care device for hospital and industry use; Contactless vital sign monitoring system; Non-invasive haemoglobin monitoring; Oxygen conservator device; Pulse based diagnosis for cardiovascular diseases; Electromyogram (EMG) controlled multi-finger myoelectric prosthetic hand; Portable Multi-view Smart Microscope; Precision Infrared optical elements for Thermal Imaging; Development of Image Colorimeter; Arrhythmia Detection and Classification System; Physiological parameter mapping for cognitive load detection; Phase fluorometric based optical sensor for dissolved oxygen (DO) monitoring along the ocean column; Monitoring of blood oxygenation for diabetic foot ulceration detection by using diffuse reflectance spectroscopy; Fibre optic breath analyser for diabetic detection by monitoring VOCs from the human breath; Portable patient vital sign monitor for ICU patient monitoring; Apex Locator for estimation of root canal depth; Soft Actuators


The group has expertise in the following areas specific to medical instrumentation:
Analog & Digital Circuit Design and Signal Processing; Electronic Design & Instrumentation; Mechanical Design & Fabrication; CAD Modelling; Human Biomechanics & Gait Analysis; Rehabilitation and Assistive technologies; Medical Robotics; Machine Vision; Image Processing; Thermography; Bio-inspired computing; Machine Learning & Deep Learning; Microscopy; Orthopaedic Implant Design & Manufacturing; Heat Transfer & Thermal Therapeutics; Micro-controller based Embedded systems Instrumentation; Robotics control system; Bio-signal Processing; Soft Computing; Medical Optics; Photonics/fibre optic sensors; Gas sensing; Optoelectronics; Spectroscopic techniques

• Gait Lab for Human Biomechanics
• CARE (Cognitive and Virtual Rehabilitation) Lab
• Metal 3D Printing
• Plastic 3D Printing
• Force Measurement System
• CAD Modelling & Analysis
• PCB Prototyping facility
• Bio-signal acquisition and analysis facility
• Tunable Light Source
• Tunable illumination system - PTI kiloArc
• Infrared thermal camera
• Kistler Force Plate
• Zebris Walkway for foot biomechanics
• Electronic Workbench Equipment (Multi-output Power Supply, Digital Multimeter, Digital Storage Oscilloscopes, Arbitrary Function Generators etc.)
• Olympus CX33 Microscope
• MicroVisioneer manual slide scanner software
• Smartphone based thermal imaging setup
• Wearable sensors for physiological parameters measurement
• Brain Vision actiCHamp 64 channel EEG system
1. Completed
2. Ongoing
1. Technologies Transferred
2. Technologies ready to Transfer
3. Patents Granted
4. Patents Filed
5. Publication

Last Updated on: 2024-08-02 11:31:20


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