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CSIR-CSIO     G20 India 2023

Intelligent Machines and Communication Systems (IMCS)

Dr. Neerja Garg                                                                                                                                 
Principal Scientist
Tel: (+91)-172-2672 276
Ext: 276(O)
Email: neerjamittal[at]csio[dot]res[dot]in



Precision Mechanical Systems has been one of the thrust areas of R&D at CSIO. The R&D activities during this year focused on:
Earthquake Monitoring and Hazard
Energy, Environment and Natural Resources
Snow Parameters monitoring and impact of Climate Change

1. Electronics
2. Instrumentation
3. Mechanical Assembly
4. Earth Science and Earthquakes
1. Seismic Observatory (Analog and Digital systems)
2. Central Mecahnical Workshop
3. Metrology Lab
4. Electronics Assembly and Circuitry lab
1. Completed
2. Ongoing
1. Technologies Transferred
2. Technologies ready to Transfer
3. Patents Granted
4. Patents Filed
5. Publication

Last Updated on: 2024-08-02 13:49:36


Technology Partners

  Logo of Pureosoul Logo of Hi Tech Innovations   Logo of Vantedge  Logo of Pentagon Logo of Rite Water Logo of Security Defence  Logo of Reiz Intelligent Lighting  Logo of Aadvik Solutions Logo of Bharat Electronics Logo of TICEON-HSE Logo of HEXMOTO  Logo of MG Cooling System Logo of Paras  Logo of Magneto Clean Tech.  Logo of NDRC  Logo of Oceanic Fitness Pvt. Ltd.  Logo of Stevelon  Logo of E Flow  Logo of U Vital Logo of UNISEM Electronics  Logo of Cenaura   Logo of Softrays   Logo of ABS Airtech  Logo of Aarco Engg. Project Pvt. Ltd.  Logo of NOVORBIS  Logo of Amesys Logo of SARK   Logo of BETA TechnologiesLogo of ICD  Logo of LM Healthcare  Logo of EXIG  Logo of ATSUYA Technologies  Logo of FORBES    Logo of Cloud Tech Logo of ELCOME  Logo of CEL      Logo of AGNEXT Logo of Versatile Lifts  Logo of SUKRUT  Logo of OZONE   Logo of KOYNA Engg. Pvt. Ltd.   Logo of Devin Tec  INDICARE   Logo of Shreeson Technologies Pvt. Ltd.    FLEXATHERM Expanallow Pvt. Ltd.  Logo of JAL joy of India  REIL    Raymold Charlie Agricultural Sprayers     ESICO


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